2024-2025 Accreditation Survey

Alumni Parent comments


What do you like best about our school?

small classes; individual attention, high standards that every child is taught to meet, and mentored each step of the way. Detailed comments on progress every quarter; webpage that tracks all assignments and each student's progress through required work

Advanced learners  -- Thank you

My child was challenged and learned to write.

Exceptional curriculum; Small class size and personalized instruction; Time away from public school; Exceptional teachers; Exceptional expectations


North Fork taught and encouraged our children to think critically. Our children to communicate effectively, particularly with writing skills.

Smaller classes; assignments aren't complete until my child has done the assignment to the best of his/her ability.

The emphasis on developing writing skills and critical thinking.  Writing is taken to a new level, the kids experience the hard work of multiple edits and striving for perfection.  All of our kids have become excellent writers, thanks to North Fork.

Individualize goals for each student.  The educators bring out the best that each individual student is capable of for each assignment.

Compared to ordinary educational environment this school excels in all relevant categories.  Focus, discipline and engagement with fellow students, etc..  is commendable.  Content was good and books on reading list were fairly decent.   This offered students a reasonable introduction towards ... the need for critical thinking.  And that is at least a good place to start...   however, I think students should leave the school realizing that they still have not acquired the tools or skills for actual critical thinking.   If they graduate thinking they are actually critical 'thinkers' this can do more harm than good.   The school offers a good intro into the need for critical thinking ...  which is Great.

What do you like least about our school?

It was stressful but good growth

It is costly-tho valuable!

Loved and appreciated all of it

It’s not inexpensive, but so worth it.


I can't think of any negative thoughts.

That the school is off campus.  That it does not occupy a classroom in the local high school.

Despite best intentions and empathy of Teacher..., there may have been too much leniency offered in turning in assignments... which disrupted work flow and teaching with students not being in synch...  (?) 

What is one suggestion you would like to offer to improve our school?

More students

New carpet

Integrate learning into community

I can't think of anything.

Students, who unfortunately grow up in an overly pampered environment , felt a bit too much intimation about asking questions in class regarding homework assignments or other.  Somehow... students might need some additional  skills in order to 'open up' and be able to absorb some negative feedback and ability to engage without intimidation... so they can handle giving and receiving criticism.   I think this school helps tremendously in this regard as regards regular public school... however, I think more could be accomplished.  Overall, this is a great school and works hard to offer a productive, qualitative environment.

How did North Fork School classes affect your child's college experience?

In every way, my children were beyond prepared to excel at their top tier colleges. They continue to use skills learned at North Fork in their professional lives (organization, critical thinking, creative problem-solving) -- it all started with their North Fork classes. Thank you!

Paige [2008-2016 Math teacher] was amazing with my son and his advanced math skills

The writing experience was off the chain -- Thank you

My children were prepared above average in writing and critical thinking and test taking and had overall academic confidence due to their experience at NFS

Taught her to be an effective communicator and excellent writer

Effective writing skills were key. They seemed to make college a more positive experience.

My daughter went to college COMPLETELY prepared.

First it helped them get into good schools, then it enabled them to succeed.

All three of my children were very prepared for college.  In most cases their writing skills exceeded their peers in classes.  One of my children is an English major in a highly ranked college and is set to graduate in June 2024.  He recently stated that he is still waiting to learn something new that he didn't already learn from his English classes at North Fork School.

Helped in writing and comprehension plus verbal skills.  Also, improved knowledge of some historical concepts, etc.   I felt it offered a rather good introduction to some higher education.


Was the value you received worth the costs in time, effort, and money?

Absolutely (3 answers); Yes (also 3 answers)

The value received far exceeded the costs in time, effort and money.

Time will reveal this answer, however..., given the incredible deficiency in the quality of public and even university level education in our country... any added benefit, especially with communication (writing, thinking, speaking...) will boost one's ability to compete and enhance one's world view.

If you can swing it: Do it

It would be amazing if the NFS quality of instruction could be the norm in our public schools.

Thank you eternally for the priceless gift you gave our children

Our entire family is grateful for North Fork