AP Literature & Composition 2020-2021


           by Emme Richards

Here is where the world fell low --
obliteration by peace’s battle call,
five-hundred-twenty miles from Bordeaux.

Pecking among stones is a lonely Belgian crow.
“Who were you?” ask I, from McCall.
He does not answer; I will never know.

Perhaps his voice was silenced years ago
in some global brawl.
His voice box muted under frigid snow.

Wicked was the arméd foe.
Just as evil as the great war’s drawl.
To each his own. So was the crow.

I stand up to go.
I do not belong here at all;
here among dead when I have life to tow.

Looking back at the desolate crow,
I ponder his downfall.
Visiting, he hops between stones, row on row,
and I observe the poppies blow.

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Summer reading list for High School students

Access AP Literature class writing archives to see what our readings and assignments are for this year, and to read sample pieces written by previous English II students.


Participation = 30% (purely subjective, based on my perceptions of your initiative, interest, self-motivation, & tenacity)

Assignments (two parts of grade)

1st Semester EFFORT = 20%; CONTENT = 10%
2nd Semester EFFORT = 10%; CONTENT = 20%

Vocab/Multiple Choice tests= 15%
AP Portfolio essay grades= 15%
Exams = 10%<


"One of the ridiculous aspects of being a poet is the gulf between how seriously we take ourselves and how generally we are ignored by everybody else." — Billy Collins

Unfinished Pieces: Semester II
(updated 6/4/21)

Assignments: 96%[E]/95%[C]
AP essays = 65%
Vocab/Mult. Choice practice = 62%
AP exams = 4



Assignments: 92%[E]/93%[C]
AP essays = 73%
Vocab/Mult. Choice practice = 72%
AP exams = 4


by Jaeda Moyer

Smooth and alert,
a jade stone stands
Embodied in luck and hope,
resting in peace.
is essential to combat
pressing forces.
Child-like innocence
touches all polished surfaces:
protecting interiors from trauma.

Learning by example from this 
Master of Zen, core values
within ignore
sharp strikes, attempting 
to break --
my sturdy exterior.
Beauty remains
a gentle reminder: gemstones
classified as rock:
built to outlast
even the most trying conditions.

Grammar, key terminology, and vocabulary items that we have discussed in class are on the

Find the AP Vocabulary Archive HERE. The sooner you get started, the sooner (comparative degree) you will know all your terms.

An explanation of the assignment grades above: The grade you see is an average of the CONTENT grades you have received over an average of the EFFORT grades you have received. We will have this on hand in class as a graph, which I expect to see rise over the course of the year. There will, of course, be dips, too...During the first semester, the effort grade will be weighted more; during the Spring semester, I will look at the content average as the more significant part of your grade.